Evil Takes Your Time and Flushes It Down The Toilet
15 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film started off with pretty good production quality, unlike other b-type films, so I was hoping this would be a hidden gem, but 30 minutes into the movie it began to feel like a series of disconnected bits of story, or maybe just random bits of different stories?

A witch type looking creature in a hood? Ok, this must be the villain! But wait- what is this scary looking tree monster?

A high school aged girl loses her mom to... a curse? Or just bad luck? I dunno, it doesn't really explain it. Another high school girl also loses her mom, but again the reasons aren't clear, and for some reason she lives with her uncle who is a priest.

Wait, the mom of one of the girls had a boyfriend? Are these girls related or something? The connection between them seems to be nonexistent.

A flash of a scene where a girl is holding a bloody clump of hair, followed by a flash of a scene of the OTHER girl having nightmares. A flash of a scene of a dog with red eyes. Are these scenes significant in some way?? Your guess is as good as mine.

For some reason, there's a black Catholic priest, with a heavy African accent. But then there's also a white Catholic priest, but are they from the same church? Do they know each other? I'm not sure. They each are in different scenes with one of the dads of one of the girls who lost their mothers, but if they know each other or something, it's undefined, like dividing by zero.

One of the girls is deaf, and speaks sign language. The other takes sign language classes at school. Do these girls know each other?? What does this have to do with anything else in the movie? Apparently nothing, I guess it's just there to character build? Although to be honest, it's a pretty weak storyline. It doesn't appear that these two girls even know each other.

Then, at the end, the fathers and the priests converge with the boyfriend of one of the dead mothers (it's weird because they're all just like, all together, all of a sudden) and they do some sort of exorcism or something, and the boyfriend scribbles some stuff on a tree and walks away and not even two minutes later some construction guys come along and cut down the tree (apparently releasing the demon).

It's really a waste of time to watch this movie,m even if you are a person who likes terrible horror movies.
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