The X-Files: The Gift (2001)
Season 8, Episode 11
The real secret of the X-Files uncovered...
15 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The agents were part cat - that's the only explanation for why they never seemed to have trouble seeing in such poor lighting!

Every scene in virtually every episode seems to be lit from one side and below, or backlit; in a lab scene in this episode, the exit sign is better lit than the rest of the room.

Outdoor scenes typically happen at night, with a distant flood light (or perhaps a brilliant moon?) partially obscured by trees, and agents scrambling around in the dark with the aid of miniscule flashlights, maybe the size of one you might carry on your key chain.

Of course, this was in the days before the advent of cheap, bright LED lights, so maybe Fox or the FBI were trying to keep costs down.

Oh, and those Muggleheims, or whatever their name was, probably got those holes in their walls from banging into them in the extreme gloom that pervaded their home.
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