Shall we end this charade?
11 July 2021
Riker wakes to find himself 15 years into the future.

This is an enjoyable episode with a compelling plot and some fun characterisations.

The story contains a clever idea that twists and turns very well as it unfolds. Although you know better than to take any of what's happening to Riker at face value, it is entertaining watching his interaction with regular characters in a different circumstance and to see him figure everything out.

I enjoyed the concept of the TNG characters fifteen years beyond the show's timeline, particularly Admiral Picard, the crew's set-up and the attitude towards the Romulans.

The final resolution is quite satisfying and I have to admit that I never guessed what was coming. Whether that means the writing is good or that I was slow on the uptake is debatable.

Visually it works well with some decent creature costuming and subtle makeovers to the regular cast. Picard looks like Lenin, which is ironic in the fact that Patrick Stewart once played him.

All performances are solid, with Jonathan Frakes leading well and other cast members playing a slight variation on their usual characters. Chris Demetral and Andreas Katsulas both give strong guest performances.
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