Emily's life has been severely compromised because . . .
10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . her childhood sweetheart turned husband has forced her into some sort of vehicular homicide conviction entailing a twelve-year stretch in the hoosegow by engaging in a thoughtless fling with one of his company's secretaries. By fleeing West to remarry even before Emily's trial, this despicable Neil compels Emily to endanger her long-denied Freedom by rooting up her rival wife's flower bed with her bare hands and similar desperate measures. Emily could have enjoyed a much happier, simpler life if only she'd had access to a reliable Peacemaker and plenty of ammo at the time of her spouse's initial ill-advised affair. IF she had just been able waste him (along with the wanton office worker), she'd surely have been acquitted by a jury of her peers under the precept of the Unwritten Law, and then had the latitude to begin life anew with the security of her trusty shooting rod. Firearms are far more efficient than writing implements in silencing critics such as Emily's enemy Rusty, and no one would have to "REMEMBER MY NAME" once the gunsmoke has cleared. Perhaps the best way to avoid forgetting Emily is to donate in her name to your local chapter of BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps).
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