"I'm Glad I've Got A Friend Like You!"...
9 July 2021
In TEENAGE MONSTER, an old legend comes true when a meteor (aka: someone waving a sparkler around) sails to Earth, killing a man. Said man's son is burned by the space rock, eventually transforming into a babbling mutant!

Death and destruction ensue, while mom (Anne Gwynne) tries to keep her mutated son hidden.

Set in the 1890's, the story is the same as many such movies from the 1950's. Trade in the horses and western wear, for boat-sized sedans and blue jeans, and this could be one of any number of drive-in spectaculars from the period.

The monster resembles a half-turned werewolf / Barry Gibb hybrid. Hearing him moan, blubber, and whine is as hilarious as it is irritating!

This movie does get high marks for at least trying to be different...
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