Johnny 2.0 (1997 TV Movie)
It's not earth shaking but OK.
8 July 2021
Johnny 2.0 is an OK late '90s made for television, The Sci Fi Channel, movie. If you were shelving a physical copy of the DVD, you would probably put it with Johnny Mnemonic. Despite its humble origins, made for tv, it is actually a cut above Johnny Mnemonic which got the full Hollywood treatment.

Johnny Dalton, played by Jeff Fahey, regains consciousness after being in a coma for several years. He eventually discovers life is an illusion, shades of The Matrix, and that he is a clone. Rebel leader Nikki Holland, Tahnee Welch, helps Dalton to find his original un-cloned self, shades of Bladerunner, despite the secrecy and dangers.

The cast are generally up to the task. Canadian Michael Ironside as Frank Donahue, Johnny's business partner, is probably the standout actor and should be. He has been in everything from Scanners to Total Recall. He deserved more screen time. Fahey seems to have specialized in B movies though he is apparently a gifted dancer, classical and ballroom. There is no evidence of this in Johnny 2.0.

The film is well paced, the plot unnecessarily convoluted, the technical aspects are what one might expect of a low budget movie and the original musical backing, thank you Ed Tomney, and special effects make the grade.

Director Neill Fearnley keeps things well in hand and writer Wynne McLaughlin provides the cast plenty to work with.

The film had a European release as, Fac Simile, and did a little business.

If you are new to the genre or an old Sci Fi hand, Johnny 2.0 is a worthwhile way of spending 93 minutes. It's not earth shaking but OK.
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