Review of Werewolf

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Werewolf (1998)
Season 10, Episode 4
Harry Carrey
6 July 2021
This is another honorable mention in my book, it's a really bizarre werewolf film with an uninspired/generic title, that is entertainly bad and strangely in some way kind of predates the "Twilight" films, though personally I will take this episode along with the film over those films anytime.

Most of the plot has holes and make no sense. There are also certain moments that are silly and even unusual, you just must see to believe. Also, hard to believe Richard Lynch is in the film, another throw away film in his mile long record but hey not every film is going to be a winner.

As usual the riffs are a lot of fun, from the beginning credit that look a bit cheep as there is a bit of pausing on the running speed. A subordinate villain who is a real blow hole for no particular reason throughout the film, really like they remarked on the guy's constant hair changes which I'll admit is strange and may 'be tells you wear most of the money for the film went.

The comments on some of the werewolf effects crack me up and the effects actually aren't bad but inconsistent throughout the film. My favorite riff in the film is what Crow says in a scene where the main girl was visiting the main protagonist's house and he's not there, it's funny because it's actually true as it's the true nature of filler scenes.

One of the highlights of the episode is of course the song which is one of my favorite songs from the show which is a 50's style do wop romance song on the Werewolf. It was really funny seeing Mike and the bots all in 50's outfits but what's even funnier is the fact their crossdressing and Mike is singing the song pretending he's a female singer. Also believe it or not it's also one of favorite love songs that I sometimes play and listen to on Valentine's Day, I know strange song to play but as an old saying goes "Love is strange."

This episode is a howling good time.

Rating: 4 stars.
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