Review of Till Death

Till Death (I) (2021)
Powerful idea with a handful of talent, but a bit of a plot hole...
6 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great to see Megan Fox acting again in something that didn't just objectify her, and I am saying this as a man!

The movie started a bit stiff, but the change in tone to the main plot was sudden and unexpected. As the synopsis eludes to, Megan's character finds herself handcuffed to her dead ex-husband in a remote location...this is Saw-level crazy. It was interesting to see how she dealt with the lack of tools in the house, her phone being bricked and the car being siphoned.

However, when we later find out this was all part of a bigger plan of cheating a guy out of his cash, we see this turn into a House of Horrors where Megan is having to hide away while the invaders move through the house. It was great camera work and it felt incredibly tense at times. However, she is eventually found and it forms part of a plan to kill her to get their payment - again, the messages felt a bit of a Saw-rehash, but nonetheless clever. It was interesting to see how she went into stark survival-mode, when she started the movie as someone you would know as a party girl with air between her ears.

The ending was satisfying, but not in a way one would wholly expect. Two invaders become one...become two. I won't say much more!

All in all, this is 90 minutes I am glad I spent and that is something I never thought I would say.

A couple of plot points I felt a bit confused by:

  • Her boyfriend drives to the location in a car which I guess had enough to do a round-trip...why did she feel the need to try and re-fuel the car she came in instead, when the other car was open and ready to go?

  • I am a doctor and there is no way that body would have been floppy for that long, especially in cold conditions. Rigor mortis is swift and fairly obvious.

  • Again, from a medical perspective, she would have wanted to strip down after being in the ice water for that long...but the ending left it ambiguous.
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