We get it. You're playing 90s music a lot.
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Besides the music they shoved down our throats there was nothing 90s about it. The clothes, the hair, the language. You could have told me it was set in 2021. The characters were almost entirely unlikeable apart from one or two and why was the main character so unnecessarily aggressive to EVERYONE? The characters lacked motivation, didn't react at all to situations going on around them (your boyfriend was just stabbed to death in front of you, but sure - never mention this again and get back with your ex.) the plot was riddled with holes and the settings were unrealistic. (Only two people working in a hospital? Unattended ambulance with keys in the ignition? Find skeletal remains in the woods and don't bat an eyelid while you handle rotting flesh and bones? OK sure.) It will leave you gasping like a trout at the credits listing all the plot holes and all the "but what about the?... but why did she?... but didn't they say?..." Pass.
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