Angels Crest (2011)
LOOSELY Based on Paul Wayment & Son Gage...
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...I had no idea this movie was (albeit VERY loosely) based on a true incident. It was due to the reviews that I learned this--Paul's sister Valerie commented. So I had to research.

VERY glad I did, as the true story was a lot more interesting than the movie. I don't know if I can put a link to the story that gets into the ex-wife, the attorney, the judge...a lot of stories were started in the movie (Jeremy Piven's character, in particular), but not finished. Search Paul Wayment & Judge Hilder in "latimes" to find all the details of what could have been an incredibly intense movie.

Personally, I enjoyed the movie. Again, so many storylines were TOUCHED upon, but never investigated. So with what we were viewing, in retrospect after the article, is sad and flat. The actors were good with what they were given: Lynn Collins was VERY believable as the alcoholic mother; Kate Walsh was AMAZING as Roxanne with some comedic lines in a very tragic story.

I lost my younger daughter to murder three years ago, so on some days I am drawn to movies dealing with that particular flavor if I need to commiserate which isn't terribly often. This movie helped, on some weird level.

The scenery was also incredible and soothing, when not terrifying.
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