We find out who was being conned at the end...
1 July 2021
As with most Soderbergh movies, the movie itself is very stylish and packed with star power. In Soderbergh's earlier works, you took away the fancy wrapping and found exquisite gifts inside. Here, however, removing the fancy wrapping revealed a gift card to your local grocery store. Sure, some of you may be thrilled with a gift card, but for me, it was a major let down.

The story itself is very convoluted. How some of the characters come together and are put in certain situations are unconvincing or even not adequately explained. It seems like everyone has their own angle or play, leading to backstabbing and double/triple crossing. It's a movie about a bunch of characters (whom I could not sympathize nor empathize with) are trying to con each other. Then I realized at the end of the movie... The only sucker in this story was the audience who was conned out of 2 hours of their lives.
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