It´s like "Borat" or "Starship Troopers"
1 July 2021
The Kazakhstani didn´t understand that Sascha made fun of the Americans prejudice about foreigners and fascists didn´t understand that "Troopers" made fun of fascists.

It´s OK.

The wokeism is so obvious that the movie makes fun of it.

The tropes of modern movies are there. You get sucked in to cheer for America, even though you´re constantly reminded about how hollow it is.

The end... well, that IS America today.

Nietzsche said that every condition has its opposite built in, which eventually turns it into its opposite.

It is blooming today, but it was built in at the creation.

It happens to be about America, but the same goes for all national myths. They´re myths. This one is so exaggerated that it should be obvious.

A healthy dose of self-distance.
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