Lost Bullet (2020)
As 90 minutes go - it's quite decent
1 July 2021
This is really not as high octane as the blurb or some reviews have you believe. It's fun but no Fast and Furious or Transporter.

Essentially, this is a Jason Statham film without the Stathe and in French and less martial arts.

It's fun but not original.

It'll easily take you away from your normal day to day for 90 minutes.

I enjoyed it. There are some issues with continuity but nothing too jarring or obvious. Story progresses at a decent pace and by the end you get back to your life and feel a little satisfied for it.

Not sure why they finished it with an obvious sequel in mind. Oh well.

If you wanted a film to distract you from your daily chores or worries, this will be do the job.

It ain't shabby but it ain't nothing to be remembered.

Just does the job and that's all you want from it.
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