Secrets of a Marine's Wife (2021 TV Movie)
Yet Another Swing and MISS
1 July 2021
Dear Hollywood;

How are you, I am fine. Well, I am kinda fine. My name is Jim and I am a writer, and some think I'm a pretty good one. Oh, and I'm a Veteran. A Disabled Veteran, but You know - I don't bring that stuff up a lot. But... and I don't wanna keep harping on it, but you have screwed the pooch yet again on the most recent military-type movie, "Secrets of a Marine wife." This is a movie that COULD have been at LEAST good, but yet again, ten bucks would have been all that was needed for this steaming turd to be decent. If I said it once I've said it a gazillion times: THE MILITARY DOES NOT ALLOW MEN TO HAVE BANGS DOWN TO THE UPPER LIP. They didn't during WWI, they didn't in the 1940's during WWII, they didn't when I was in during the Gulf wars....hell, they didn't allow it in the 1960's - 70's during the hippie years. You cast this dude who looked like a character in "American Pie," with an earlobe-length bowl cut. Ugh. And what's with everybody wearing their dog tags out of their T shirts? Or outside of our shirt at an off-duty weekend BBQ by the pool? Just so the world knows - we have dog tags, yes, but we don't wear them outside of our shirts playing volleyball like in "Top Gun." Most of us, if it isn't wartime, take them off and stick them in our sock drawer. Our hair, for men, cannot touch our rear collar. And, it cannot touch our ears (either in length OR poofyness). I am screaming it out to the WORLD.....IF YOU ARE MAKING A MOVIE about the military, or even one that just mentions the military, if there are any military people in it, hire a guy or gal to consult! Active duty or God.... I beg you!! Signed, you Orly weary pal, Jim

As for this movie in all other ways it was decent. The actors were decent the story was true so you know THAT was decent, and the actors actually performed well, even the ones that aren't actors by profession! It's just hard for a guy like me who was in the military to watch these types of things - it hurts! Nobody cares enough to so much as ASK a veteran or active duty milirary member to consult with one to get even the most basic customs right. It makes Vets and/or AD Military look lazy.
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