Hey hey ,my my,there's more to the picture than meets the eye.
30 June 2021
"J'irai dormir chez vous" is a cinema vérité TV broadcast : a reporter travels around the world and meets people here there and everywhere ;I must confess I'd not heard of it before and the TV star ,Antoine De Maximy ,was totally unknown to me.

Maximy wrote a screenplay and took his wandering through Romania to the silver screen ; you do not have to know the series to enjoy the movie .It's intriguing enough. The reporter disappears in the country he visits after a strange accident .All that remains is all the tapes of his trip but one.

Then the approach is somewhat borrowed from "the blair witch project" ,although it does not possess the sense of mystery of the latter ; the editor and her assistant watch the tapes ,a la "blow up" , and try to find clues ; sometimes it's funny (the boys playing with the brand new video game) ,sometimes it's heavy-handed (the nymphomaniac fat woman ,whose presence is to provide the movie with another suspect ,the jealous sinister-looking hubby ) ; the clues are sometimes intriguing ( did Dracula rise from the dead?) , but sometimes far-fetched (the fall of the missing tape).

By and large ,the movie is original , the screenplay smartly introduces the flashbacks (the real reality for once) , and a gallery of weirdoes; bizarre warnings ("near the border ,people are more aggressive ") , threatening details on the picture (the pills) ;nice photographs of the Romanian landscape (but those of Paris at night are filler) ;too bad they did not exploit Dracula 's castle which is very interesting to visit.

The construction of the movie can enthuse one, but the playing is not always convincing : one does not believe a single minute that this girl, her assistant and the boss fret for a man who might be dead ; and Antoine De Maximy ,the possible victim ,has a tendency to show off and one feels a certain narcissism on the screen.

However, the story will keep you glued to your chair though : did Dracula bleed him to death ? Did the strange sect do away with him because he had discovered their secret meeting? Was he poisoned? Slain by a jealous husband ? Did he die in the car crash? Or is it something worse?

Romanian tourist office might sue them!
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