Just as silly. Somehow still just as enjoyable...
28 June 2021
And so the saga continues. In 'Eating Out', Kyle's dream of having a relationship with Marc became a reality. However, 'Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds' starts with Marc (now played by Brett Chukerman) dumping Kyle. Gwen and Tiffani are back as well, with Tiffani now also one of the leading characters. Once again, the female characters are annoying, but thankfully not as overbearing as in 'Eating Out'. I must be honest, I enjoyed the Tiffani character a lot more this time around.

Regarding the plot, they simply reversed the 'Eating Out' plot. Now, it's Kyle's turn to pretend - yup, he has to pretend he is an ex-gay (aka straight) in order to get close to Troy (played by the deliciously handsome Marco Dapper), who is a confused straight guy. Plot sound familiar? Oh boy, here we go again. Yawn. Are there any gay gay-themed movies out there without gay straight or straight gay guys?? And then there's Kyle's mother, who was happy with her son being gay, but overjoyed when she saw him kissing a girl, and exclaimed "that's what she's always wanted".... ugh, seriously?! (They later tried to redeem this silly remark by her wining that she wants her gay son back, but the damage had been done, sorry writers!)

When they started throwing religion around I almost stopped watching - thinking it would turn out to be another 'Latter Days' - but thankfully it was short-lived. Also, the word GAY is shoved down the viewer's throat so many times in this movie, I wanted to puke. Almost every sentence used the word 'gay'... enough already.

The best part about the movie, was Troy. With Caleb from 'Eating Out' absent, Troy more than compensates for Caleb's departure. Wow, Marco Dapper is gorgeous, with a great body - and there's so much opportunity in the film to show off his (entire!) body - to the viewer's delight, off course.

Despite the film being corny, silly, stupid, and with the same forced, crude dialogue, I did find it entertaining as a whole. Mainly thanks to Marco Dapper....

Would I watch it again? Yes, to see Marco Dapper in all his glory once more.
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