Weak, over hyped by reviewers
27 June 2021
I truly hate negative reviews, they are often people seeking attention. My negativity on this TV show would normally pass but reviewers both here in in the daily papers seem to have given this show a massive boost because it is Australian and comes from one of the public broadcasters. It is in fact a very cliched story of the excesses of the well off overlaid by a story of Filipino people living in Sydney with various immigrant statuses and troubles. The writing is incredibly loose with some stark errors that should have been fact checked or script edited properly.

The story of a rich woman who has her livelihood threatened is wildly overacted by Miranda Otto and there is no indication of any actual connection between her and her children and husband. That may have been a legitimate narrative, but removes completely their agency in the family and is completely without nuance. Her real life husband and sometime love interest here, Peter O'Brien, is far more engaging, but again the lack of nuance and lazy writing relegates him to a silent movie villain, just a surprise we didn't have speech cards to reinforce how we were supposed to feel about him. Her character's actions during the caper could have been dealt with more subtly had the writers not bothered to go down the most obvious path.

The caper ties up very nicely at the end, but that is not enough to justify having sat through the previous 3.5 hours. Over boosted by the press and the reviewers here, there are much better ways to while away a lockdown.
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