Legends Never Die.
26 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I forgot to recount the plot, haha. "You just love love?." HAHA. In the plot. The Legends go back in time to save Sara before she gets abducted by Gary's ex-fiancée. It is going to be sad when Spooner is gone (( Nope! )). I love her character. She is fun. Yikes, Constantine doesn't have his magic? Good damn it. Constantine and Zari execute Plan C-D, 2020 Zari meets up with the 2021 Legends and tells them to go back to their timelines. Not gonna work like that. On Gary's planet, the fake Ava and Sara blow up the generators. Meanwhile. Bishop is going crazy with those sick moves until he gets punched. Bishop presents a Show & Tell time. Ava tranquilizes Bishop, interrogating him. I find it painful that you can't kill nor get rid of Bishop. He just comes back.

Maybe he is more than Jason Voorhees. The Legends plan on the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff using an exploding "statue". 2020 Sara interacts with Spooner, yikes. Nate from the corrupted timeline intercepts the Legends, telling them what happened. Rory uses his flamethrower on Bishop. He gets revived in the consciousness of an A. I. His consciousness is digitally being uploaded in the upcoming Sara's body in three minutes. It's only a matter of time. Fake Sara explains to Rory what happened to the real Sara. They plan to get the hell out of there, explosions everywhere! Well, guys, we did it. Bishop is no more, or is he...? The Fake Ava stays on the planet since it's her homeland. But, there's no ship. Strange fast creatures hunt them down until they are beaten up by the teamwork. Intense montage on Sara, Gary, and Rory using the ship.

Great music here. "Legends never die." I agree. "Sara" finally reunites with Ava, a sweet wholesome moment between the duo. I guess the adventure is solved! Welcome back, Sara! (( Hmmm, using the Arrowverse Wiki info, look below. ))

"Sara's Lance's clone told Nurse Ava that she did not want to see the Legends being a copy of the original with alien DNA, so they worked together to create another clone of Sara that was purely human; however, they had to abandon the project to stop Bishop from digitizing his consciousness and spreading throughout the galaxy. Meanwhile, Behrad Tarazai had the idea to stop Sara from being kidnapped in the first place by travelling back to London, 1977. While there, Esperanza Cruz met Sara for the first time. Behrad ultimately learns he was trying to talk to Sara, she became separated from the others, giving Kayla the opportunity to have Sara isolated." It is a shame that the real Sara died. May she rest in peace.

The Legends walk back to their ship. It better not happen again to Sara! (( Talking about the abduction, but didn't happen. )) Sara finally purposes to Ava, she accepts it. Probably the best scene of the episode especially with the fireworks.


Fun episode overall with weirdness. Tons of Back to the Future vibes here, lol. A lot of confusing elements. Best episode in Season 6. So far. You got everything. I think there are no flaws.

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