25 June 2021
Half the movie is a woman walking in the desert, and sitting inside a tent at nighttime. You'll hear a few growling sounds here and there along with camera glitches during the nighttime, which is supposed to indicate the aliens are nearby, but nothing beyond that. The movie has no tension, no atmosphere, no actual payoff for sitting through the entire thing. I was bored after the first 30 minutes. The acting was subpar, and the filming is what you'd expect from a found footage film. The one positive thing was the CGI for the ending scene. That was all right. And I emphasize "all right." The entire budget must've gone into those 2 minutes. Other than that, you'll see lights buzzing in the sky two or three times. That's the extent of the alien presence. 3/10. Unless you're an alien movie junkie, skip it.
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