Trigger Point (2021)
Need to watch again just to add up the dumb mistakes
24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Here is a couple. Our guy is sneaking around perimeter of house in the rain. But as he moves to other side of house it is not raining? Our guy nurses the daughter of Elias who has been shot in the side. He toches the wound and then moves his hand from her side to upper body but on the way he either taps her crotch or wipes blood on it? Elias confronts our guy's handler at the library. Elias pulls a gun on her and demands our guy's whereabouts. Elias and the librarian are aware of eachothers role in the CIA. She calls him a traitor and we hear a bang. Elias comes out and tells his completely inept buddy she was of no use. We know at the point she must have taken one between the eyes but she pops up later in the film with a arm injury. Really Elias would have missed or just wounded her for what reason? Elias and our guy emerge from a car and of course they are armed to the teeth. Right? But this guy searchs both of them for weapons and either misses them or they left them in the car? Unlikely. So our guy counts 17 shots that Elias has fired? Then tells Elias that he shot 17 times and therefore has an empty gun. Elias admits he was not counting and drops his empty gun? I guess he knows our guy is not a liar. Wait a second I think my Glock has an opening you can see if there is one in the chamber but Elias never was a little curious? What if our guy counted 16 and is not being truthful or never counted at all. Our at one point shot everyone with his silencer but forgot to pick up any one of numerous assault weapons or clips. Gee he ran out of bullets and designed a weapon out of plumbing pipe? Got one shot out of it and to my surprise slamed a hammer against it and shot a guy dead right there. So pick up the guys weapon already. Our guy returns to his delux lair. He has no weapon. But gets into his house and goes right to a hidden computer and searches on it for a time. But he has a closet right there with all kinds of weapons. That is the first thing I do is get a gun but not our guy;plenty of time for that later.
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