Anne Boleyn (2021)
Did not enjoy - spoiler free review.
21 June 2021
I note some reviewers appear to believe we are either unable to see past colour, or haven't given the show a chance. I fear this is due to a lack of understanding for why people may not like the show.

I understand why some would have a problem with Anne Boleyn being played by a black actress, it's the same problem people have when they feel characters are being whitewashed. There would be the same reaction had someone made an alternative telling of Ngwane III's reign but LaYaka Ndwandwe was played by a white woman.

That said the concept been better thought out, and did not feel like lazy tokenism (yes, I feel it was lazy tokenism) this would have been better received

I was excited to see this, interested to see how it would work and how they had revisited the life of Anne Boleyn I love historical dramas, I love seeing unique takes on history, and had the show been better written it possibly could have worked... but I couldn't get into it.

Lead actress was wasted, a potentially interesting concept seemed lazily thrown together. I'm sure some people genuinely enjoyed it, but I wasn't a fan.

I feel more attention was spent clapping themselves on the back for casting decisions, than put into the script itself. Just my opinion.
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