Pelican Blood (2019)
Mind off
21 June 2021
Not everything can be explained rationally. Even the love for an animal (horse in this case), may be something that some humans will not entirely get. And you can't really explain those things. It is also interesting to have certain things that are never being spoken out loud but which you can see the filmmakers paid a lot of attention too ... like how horses think ... well we get into that as much as it is possible. It is portrayed here as someone who might be a horse whisperer ... very interesting to see.

What is also interesting is the main performance by Nina Hoss ... what a powerhouse she is here! The kid that the movie revolving most around can be super annoying ... but that is what the girl is supposed to be ... so it is the role and not the kid itself. Especially during the times it cries it is not easy to keep focused or understanding ... you may get newfound respect for people who deal with kids like this on a daily basis.

But because this is a movie there is more to it than the eye meets ... for some too much ... and maybe too far out there. Yes the movie deals with things outside our logical world ... whether you believe in them or not, will be up to you to decide ... and if you don't this may annoy you ... but maybe you can still enjoy the movie and the thriller aspects of it ...
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