Enjoyed it more than the main series
20 June 2021
To preface this, let me say that I liked the main series a lot, but I didn't really understand why everyone loved it so much. It just seemed like a really good anime, but nothing GOAT material.

Now, this movie is not better than the main series. Not by a long shot. It's so much more... anime? If you know what I mean? There are just a lot more anime tropes and stuff that make it feel more like a traditional anime than the original did. There are so many more macguffins and plot holes, more moe stuff, more happy endings. Also, all the time travel stuff doesn't make nearly as much sense as the main series and I don't even think that it could even work in the context of the rules that the main series set up.

However, after saying all this, I still liked this movie more than the main series. I think the main series is done better, but that is different from how much you enjoy something. For example, I know on an objective level that Schindler's list is a really good movie, but after watching it I would probably give it a 5 out of 10.

It is DEFINITELY worth watching this movie if you liked the main series! It expands a lot on the relationship between okabe and kurisu, and especially on kurisu as a character. All the things that I wanted to happen (like kurisu and okabe being together, her realizing he actually traveled through time so he has someone to talk about it with, etc.) happened in this movie! I also really enjoyed kurisu as the main character.

The visuals and music are basically the same as the main series, and it also has a good ending, or at least a happy one. In my opinion, this takes the originality and intrigue of the original series and combines it with the anime traits that we all enjoy, and it does this to great affect.
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