Downbeat and dramatic film about a rough and violent mountain man
19 June 2021
Late 19th century , a unfriendly mountain man called Martinon : Mario Casas lives alone in the mountains , exception for when he goes down to the nearest village , there is advised by his only friend Severino : Kandido Uranga to marry a local girl . Martinon then decides to buy a wife from a countryman : Josean Bengoetxea, as the latter in exchange of a lot of furs , he gives him his daughter Pascuala : Ruth Díaz . As she is his unwilling woman to live with him in a remote cabin in the woods.

A solid but uneven and slow-moving film with exciting events , emotion , violence , thrills and long love scenes . The picture narrates the odyssey of a rough , unkind trapper living lonely , subsequently the highlander buys a wife to relieve his loneliness . The flick bears remarkable resemblance to "The Trap" 1966 by Sydney Hayers with Rita Tushingam and Oliver Reed in a similar role to Mario Casas who gives a decent interpretation . It displays colorful and gorgeous cinematography by Aitor Mantxola with outdoors from Huesca , Aragon Pyrenees, showing splendidly winty wilderness , wildlife and lush forests . As well as sensitive and evocative musical score by Paloma Peñarrubia. The motion picture was professional but slowly directed by Samuel Fuentes , in his feauture film debut , he previously was director assistant. Rating : 5.5/10 . Passable and acceptable . The flick will appeal to Mario Casas fans.
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