Seeing this getting a high rating is like seeing people like Star Wars EP9
19 June 2021
I don't get it. The entire premise is ridiculous. It's possible a better movie could have made it believable but not this movie. That people love this movie at all just doesn't add up to me. It feels like all those fake amazon reviews that vote up all the cheap made in China electronics. Is it really possible people love this movie? Did I watch some different movie? Is there another version that doesn't suck?

In any case, I don't get it. George, the main character, has this condition where in when he hears a loud discordant sound he becomes someone else and then later when he wakes up he has no memory of the time he was his alternate self.

Okay, but during those times he's groggy like he's "hungover" (aha!). Which is fine for the first event, and maybe the 2nd event (even though that was unbelievable), but the 3rd event is long and well thought out. It doesn't fit at all.

Further, near the end, George, completely out of character from the entire movie, manages to lock someone in a closet without being in his alternate mode.

Then, the end was just melodramatic and silly.

I don't get it. 2 stars out of 10.
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