The Rental (2020)
Ignore Ignorant Reviewers
19 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You're going to see a lot of reviewers complain about the ending. I can't state this without coming across as a pompous ass, but those viewers are often unsophisticated and can't handle ambiguity. There's no reason to have a black and white, spoon fed explanation for everything. This is especially true when it comes to a serial killer. Some people are just whacked in the head and kill. There is no good reason, there is no explanation to the victims before the slaughter. They just kill.

This film has great dialogue, good acting, good directing, some decent tension. I do wish it was scarier, and I wouldn't really call this a horror, more of a drama with horror elements. It's far from a perfect movie, but it's better than the average reviewer gives it.
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