Epic Family Adventure!
18 June 2021
While this may be an unpopular opinion, I believe Dawn of the Dinosaurs to be the most enjoyable film in the Ice Age franchise! This film has the most eyecatching visuals, the best action sequences, the most intimidating threat being Rudy, and of course the introduction of the most interesting character of the entire franchise being Buck the weasle! Dawn of the Dinosaurs simply deserves more of a reputation than it has in my personal opinion. A few complaints that I had about the second Ice Age film consisted of alot of the jokes feeling forced and the majority of them being target towards a more mature audience coasting away from the "fun for the entire family" aesthetic that the first film setup so well. Dawn of the Dinosaurs rights those wrongs in more ways than one. The jokes no longer feel forced and the themes explored feel as if they alternate between child friendly and the more adult themes on a much more natural level than the previous film. If I am ever in the mood to watch an Ice Age film I will more than likely be throwing this one on!
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