Love, Rosie (2014)
Buy the ticket, take the ride
17 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We all know what we're getting into when we start up a movie like this. The formula is readily apparent throughout the entire movie. With each twist and turn and little maybe-dang-not-yet moment, it's easy to see what the filmmakers want us to feel during any given scene. And that's fine. You started this movie because you're looking for something emotional, sappy, and maybe a receptacle to dump your own sadness into (full-disclosure, that may have been why I started it up). I was surprised at how brutal things turn out for her, though. Lots of disappointment, personal disaster and trauma. Honestly, this movie is pretty dark in that respect (also in general I think that culturally, British people are just more brutal and rude to each other than Americans, particularly school-aged Brits, which probably added to the grim vibe as we watch her life unravel). This is all expected and fine. The real bone I have to pick is with the "main guy". How many times does he just flat out decide not to be with her? Like six?? Seriously by the end of the movie, I actively wanted them to not end up together. What a loser! He literally brings nothing to the table. There is nothing special, unique, resilient, or attractive about this guy. A much healthier revelation for her would have been that she needs to stop worrying about this idiot who literally marries other women and get on with her life. Seek something healthy and honest. I'm not surprised by the ending, like I said the formula is front and center the whole time, but really, this guy was not a worthy receptacle for her love. What she went through versus what he went through is as different as night and day. Not a believable couple by the end. But you know what? I was swept up in it the whole time. So the story wasn't the peak of narrative form. I didn't turn this on to experience literature, I turned it on to run from my own life and indulge in some gushy emotions. In that respect, this movie nails it.
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