Too blunt honesty
14 June 2021
Rarity and Applejack do sound like an odd pairing, but they have gelled surprisingly well together. Am more of a fan of Rarity than Applejack, a lot more consistently written, the writers always excel in bringing complexity to her when she's in conflict, more likeable. Despite more development on the family front, Applejack is the most inconsistently characterised of the Mane 6 and has had episodes where she's not likeable and out of characters. The episodes where they are paired together though tend to not be too great.

Like "Honest Apple". There are definitely far worse episodes of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic', but as far as Season 7 episodes go it's in the lower half (if not one of the very worst). Can totally see why it gets a lot of hate and agree with the reasoning, but to me "Honest Apple" is not that bad an episode and has its moments. It just feels rather bland, it is not nice when brutal honesty is written in too cruel a manner and the character writing of a major character brings down the episode significantly.

"Honest Apple" is a great looking episode, with rich vibrant colour and the detail in the backgrounding is also very easy on the eyes. It is especially good in the guitar moment and when Applejack turns red. The music is dynamic and has a lot of energy and atmosphere. Tabitha St Germain and Ashleigh Ball voice Rarity and Applejack beautifully. The moral is derivative, being a familiar one for the show, but is sincerely handled and not muddled.

Of the two, Rarity's character writing is infinitely better. She has been more likeable, more honest and easier to relate to in other scenarios but she is in character and doesn't do anything that leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Actually liked how she dealt with the conflict. Rarity with the electric guitar was a cool very funny moment and widely considered the highlight of "Honest Apple", even with those that disliked it. Pinkie Pie and Photo Finish liven things a bit though their appearances are not large.

Conversely, "Honest Apple" did feel rather thin and bland story-wise with little new done with familiar territory. Rarity and Applejack's chemistry has gelled more in other episodes, here their personalities clash too much, and there could have been more growth towards other characters' attitudes towards Applejack instead of disliking her from the start. The dialogue could have been a lot more subtle and for my tastes while honesty is a great virtue to have the episode takes the brutal kind of it. Unfortunately it goes too far on it so it becomes too cruel.

What really brings "Honest Apple" down is the characterisation of Applejack in character writing that one would expect in Seasons 1-3 not when she had come on a good deal. Completely out of character, at her least likeable since Season 4's "Somepony to Watch Over Me" and in one of her most hateful appearances, being far too mean and with too many of her negative character traits exaggerated to breaking point. Do agree that the ending is an over-tidy cop-out that did not feel warranted.

In summary, disappointing. 5/10.
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