I guess you need to come into this as a David Byrn fan.
12 June 2021
I knew little to nothing about the man prior to watching this, perhaps that's why I found it pretty weird and boring. Too artsy for my taste, and I thought the music sucked. 🤷🏻 Almost all the positive reviews are from die hard Byrn and Talking Heads fans. If you aren't one of them, you may not enjoy this. I found him to be EXTREMELY boring, almost void of any emotion at all.

I'm sure this review will be "downvoted" into oblivion but I thought 'an outsider' should leave a review for other outsiders to see. I'm actually surprised that even die hard fans are giving this a 10/10, because it really isn't deserving of that rating. Perhaps they're doing that to try and counter the negative ratings? I don't see how anyone, even a huge fan, could think this play was worthy of a rating higher than maybe a 7/10. It's just beyond me how anyone could think this is a near perfect play, because it is not.
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