Wicked (2021)
True to book
12 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was worried when I saw the quality of other movies on Passionflix, but this movie hit all the major spots for me as a lover of the book. Ivy's casting was perfect, the way they did Tink and didn't make him seem completely ridiculous as a little brownie was great. Ren wasn't what I pictured, but it grew on me and I enjoyed the direct flirtiness from the start and think it went along great with the pacing of the movie. As for places that could be improved, the special effects needed help but I understand this is the first paranormal movie for PF so I gave it a slide. I'm not sure if it was the book knowledge but right when Val was introduced I immediately felt like she was off, I'm not sure if this was me projecting or something else but I noticed that. I'll be rewatching and looking forward to a sequel if we're lucky!
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