It's complicated.
9 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How can you watch a movie made in 1996 in 2021 and not be pulled in every direction. Parts of this movie are ridiculous, parts are just awful, parts are gut-wrenching, parts I have lived through myself.

I am tired of Barbara Streisand trying (italics and underline)to be portrayed as NOT beautiful. She is gorgeous. She has always been gorgeous! I guess she was supposed to be overweight in this movie, but she was just wearing baggy clothes, but she STILL looked beautiful. She has always been beautiful. Those eyes, her lips, her cheekbones. Sure, the nose is her nose but it certainly doesn't make her ugly.

There is a deeper story in the movie than the character's looks. Again, in 1996, maybe it no one pulled at 'the loose thread', so to speak. But what was with the toxic relationship with her awful mother?! A fabulous performance by Lauren Bacall because I found myself grinding my teeth during most scenes she was in. It killed me when she did not add, "You ARE beautiful" after telling her she was a beautiful little girl. WHY is a Professor at Columbia still living with her perfectly healthy mother? THAT's the story. Instead, it's the 'ugly duckling' story and she ends up with not one but TWO handsome guys wanting her. Of course, Jeff Bridges loves her for who she is, not the new improved version.

I know this was a RomCom but there is an entire other story right there!

Wouldn't it have been nice if Barry (was that the name of little sad sack guy she kept canceling on?} ended up with a beautiful fiancé instead of a female version of himself - in keeping with the "It's all about looks" theme of the movie.

And what was with Pierce Brosnan's character suddenly lighting up a cigarette in the outdoor scene where he was telling her his wife left him. And then the two of them smoking in front of the fireplace. It was so totally bizarre. I think Big Tobacco paid a mighty 'product placement' fee for those two scenes.

I would recommend this movie to someone who needs to rehash some painful times in there life and look at them with a fresh perspective.
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