Birdemic on target.....
8 June 2021
For being an example of how to make a movie when you have zero experience about making a move. Nguyen could have also spent the 10 K on doing a dental implant in his dentist's office for the fun of it.

All the key elements are missing: script, characters, dialogue, lighting, camera work, blocking, shot making, music, and SFX.

To sum up the plot; Birds attack a town because of climate change and endless theories of planet issues are discussed at a beach gathering, to cap off the reason for the movie.

Nguyen has a lot of friends, friends that he promised to put in his movie. His drunken friends challenged him to make a movie and ponied up 10 K to do it.

I have a friend who wrote a screenplay while getting drunk at a local bar, each night he was there, which was every night.

Then he tried to get 40K from a friend of his and mine who had the money to do it. The drunken writer was to play the lead drug king pin and a sexy local college girl the female star.

The friend just laughed.

Drunks are a great source of half baked ideas.

The bird FX are the worst I have seen and probably done on a Windows program.

Birdemic is probably used in Robert McKee's classes to encourage people to take his screen writing seminars.

And an example of why you need to go to a film school.

Or why you need to read at least ONE book on filmmaking.

My bet is that Nguyen wanted to seduce the blond Nathalie and said at a bar, "i'll (hic) put you in a move and make you a star, let's talk about it at my place"

A lot of people think, "I bought a Sony XF405 video camera and I am a director".

Reevaluate your position.

And yes, the MST3K version is the best.

Rod misses his cue to walk, Crow says, 'you'll edit that out, right". Tom says, "yep we will edit that out'..Crow says, "keep rolling".
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