Review of Equals

Equals (2015)
Such a hard film to review!
7 June 2021
Most people will find this rather boring and to be fair, I did at first but as you watch it, it pulls you in with its dystopian view of the quite possible future of mankind and the futility and pointlessness of existence in this robotic westworld and is so well pulled off that you cannot stop to admire how bleak but poignant the story is.

I do not like Kristen Stewart as an actress to be honest as I find she evokes no emotion and has one forward gear but nothing else but paradoxically she is actually perfect for this role as is her equally strange lover Nicholas Hoult who I am also not that fond of but both play their parts well.

This is one of those films you start to hate as you watch but as it winds its way to the end, you just cannot stop but admire how well the story plays out and although a lot of the reviewers seem to hate the ending, I love it when we do not get the usual Hollywood formula ending and we get a true to life or thought provoking denouement that actually left me with a tear in my eye (just a little one though - anyone see the Bears game last night? >;o)), so this goes from a 4 out of 10 first half to a very solid 7/10 overall for me.

PS. "The Bears game" reference is the scene in Planes, Trains and Automobiles pillow scene for those that are wondering - 10 stars if you got it, you are obviously a movie fan like me!
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