The Ripper (2020)
Could have been great - but . . . .
7 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching "The Ripper" on Netflix. Very captivating story told in an effective, if not plodding manner. The obvious agenda of the documentary "Let's give focus on the victims and not just the killer" is proper and appreciated. But it appears that the agenda got in the way of some necessary elements. At the end when The Ripper has been id'd and convicted, and the bungles of the Yorkshire police exposed, we do not get the status of the killer. As it turns out, he died Nov 2020 from COVID-19 - one of the few justified deaths at the hand of the pandemic virus. But, I had to Google it to find it out. We should have been told what happened to the scum. The conclusions reached about the critically inept approach of the Police (he must have a Geordie accent - and 'the dead girls' not a prostitute, ignore her, our guy only kills prostitutes') was re 'spot on.' And they spent millions of dollars chasing after fake letters and an audio recording. They were clearly blinded by their prejudices, etc.

Two other points: this dramatically illustrates the lunacy of the "no capital punishment" belief. If anyone deserved the death penalty, this piece of crap did. But no, he was allowed to live for 35 years in a soft existence denied his victims. And, of course the British taxpayers funded his "retirement."

But, the most ridiculous part of the documentary was the reaction of the feminist community who were outraged that they had to be protected by men - and "Why can't we walk the streets at night, if we want to?" mentality. The answer was obvious: because you may get slaughtered as these women were. I know that we have a different, more equitable situation concerning women today (although there is not doubt a ways to go) but such stupidity was laughable. Of course this stupidity is not the fault of the makers of the documentary. In conclusion, we were glad we watched the documentary, we knew very little about "The Ripper" before this. But the ending was mismanaged.
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