Who Killed Sara? (2021–2022)
Entertaining binge-watch material, in spite of some major flaws.
6 June 2021
There's a lot to say in favor of this Netflix-series: it's fast-paced, it has a strong premise and exciting storylines, and as the quintessential whodunnit it keeps you guessing who killed the Sara from the serie's title up until the last episodes (and even beyond). And some of the acting is pretty good, like main characters Alex and Elisa, played by Manolo Cardona and Carolina Miranda, or the evil pater familias Cesar Lazcano by Ginés García Millán.

In spite of all that, I did have some reservations too. The level of the story never surpasses that of an average telenovela. Most of the cast acts in an emotional over-drive, like for instance character Chem who is for ever on the brink of hysteria. The constant shifting between the present and the past, with in most cases different actors for the young and the older versions, gets rather confusing. As does the use of overlapping scenes, at times they repeat whole sequences again and again from different points of view. And last but not least, the twists and turns in the plot are so abundant and increasingly far-fetched, that it at (many) times became more laughable than interesting.

The result is two seasons of entertaining, non pretentious binge-watch material.
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