Review of Plan B

Plan B (II) (2021)
For how weak it started, surprisingly good and compelling
5 June 2021
It has been a long time since I've seen a movie that started out so predictable and average, but completely elevates itself in the second half. Coming into this movie, I had no exceptions at all, but I did see some ratings that left some mild excitement for me. This is why I was kinda confused after the first act. It felt like the typical teenage movie with nothing really new to say. There were some funny jokes here and there, but nothing special. It's when the girls start going on the road trip where it starts to become interesting. What makes this movie special are two things. The first is the way the movie balance the important subject with the humor. I can't really talk about the elephant in the room without spoiling some stuff, but the way the subject is handled is very well done. The second thing (In honestly the most amazing thing) is how compelling the main characters are. They make some bad jokes actually work at times and really make you invested in their problems. The performances are also surprisingly incredible. It's all of this combined that makes the movie keep getting better and better. These characters are not the most original, but there so compelling that I feel want to know what is coming next. I also wanna give some credit for the fact that the movie takes the extra mile when it needs to. Some movies about sex tent to stay away from the actual incidents, but this one dives in full force. This makes you actually experience the awful and awkward moments and understand the character better. All of this combined made for a great comedy movie with a surprising amount of heart. It actually made me choke up a little at the end.
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