Absolute Control
5 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Whatever title you prefer, "Sugar Baby Murder" or "Her Deadly Sugar Daddy," this film is preposterous from the perspective of both the sugar baby and the sugar daddy!

Miss Bridget Caprice is an aspiring writer recently transplanted from Arizona to Los Angeles. Bridget's father, Lawrence Caprice, was a famous novelist, who died when Bridget was sixteen. Now, she wants to do her father proud by becoming a famous blogger!

Enabled by her bubbly bestie Lindsey, Bridget takes the bait from a nefarious and crooked con artist named Anthony J. Glonz. Anthony makes Bridget an offer she can't refuse as his high-priced "Executive Assistant." Her principal duties involve the entertaining of Anthony's male clients, whom he films for the purpose of blackmailing. Anthony's motto is the "absolute control" that he wants to possess over his clientele, including his naive executive assistant.

Bridget's dream is to write for a blog called "Swerve," whose motto is "truth so raw." But the film never rang true with Bridget succumbing to the mesmerizing predator Anthony. Both her former boyfriend Zach and her mother Jolene warn her about the sleazy Anthony, yet the gullible Bridget completely ignores their good counsel. None of the scenes of Bridget's interactions with Anthony's clients made sense because she only sat next to them in restaurants and did some flirting in the new, garish outfits she had purchased on Rodeo Drive.

Things come to a head at Anthony's mansion, where the entire group of Bridget, Lindsey, Jolene, and Zach may be killed by Anthony and his thug Damon Radovich. It is only due to the quick-thinking mom Jolene that Bridget will be spared the miserable and predictable fate of a hapless sugar baby.

And what is it that Bridget has learned from the experience? As she strolls confidently in to the offices of Swerve in the denouement, the answer is clear: nothing.
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