Review of Dimples

Dimples (1936)
Loved it.
4 June 2021
As one of several films Shirley Temple made for Fox Studios in 1936,"Dimples" is also an underrated favorite of mine and it shows why. Temple plays Dimples,a young street corner singer whose beloved grandfather (played by Frank Morgan of "Wizard Of Oz" Fame) is a pick-pocket thief a la Oliver Twist's Artful Dodger. Meanwhile a stage production of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is being performed with Dimples in a supporting role. The film ends with an exciting and memorable musical number with Temple and Stepin Fetchit around blackfaced actors which was directed by Bill Robinson. Director William A. Seiter (Laurel & Hardy's "Sons Of The Desert") does a great job with the well-done cast and storyline which may or may not appeal to today's political incorrect audiences but it's a fun and enjoyable film to watch with memorable songs and sequences. Recommended ! James Welch Henderson Arkansas 6/4/21.
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