Tries to hard to be funny
3 June 2021
This movie is scattered and can't make up it's mind about what genre it wants to be seen.

Is it a horror? Is it a fantasy? Is it a stupid drama? Is it a horror? Is it a comedy? You never find out.

The jokes are repetitive and stupidly self aware. The gags get boring. There are pointless characters that feel tacked on and story points that bloat this movie in unnecessary directions. They should have cut Bill Maher's character completely out of the movie and his entire pointless arch. It would have set the stakes higher and removed the most stupid moments of the movie.

It is shameful and self aware. The only bits that are creative or well done are some of the practical effects. Gramps makeup is stunning. Really makes his character. The fault of everything else is in the poor and scattered directing and the banal screenplay that crams jokes down your throat like you are sick with a soar throat.

The worst gag is the running over the random pilar in the drive. Wasn't funny the first time, wasn't funny the 356th time.

Maybe you can watch it once just to say you did. Besides that it's just another terrible comedy from the 80s.
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