The Boys: The Innocents (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
More BOGUS unlikely events going on, with the plot playing out mostly as suspected.
3 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain spoilers** **Does contain spoilers** AND Future PLOT predictions.

What a joke of a storyline in ep 6. The script writers really think we are thick!. AS IF when Butcher goes to see the Deputy Director of the CIA, in her office with a vial of the compound V drug & other evidence and a list of demands, AS IF with a long list of demands including immunity for him & his team, the one demand about them prosecuting Homelander, she refuses him and he just walks out with goods, ALLOWED to. Even after a threat of him ending up in a black site had previously been given. It would NEVER have happened!.

He'd have been detained, evidence & drug TAKEN from him and he would have only been let out after he'd dropped wanting the Homelander demand. Which she knows he'd have done. Butcher was all keyed up into getting Homelander himself, him & his misfit grimy bunch were doing it on their own anyway, the almost sole purpose that he and some of the others had in their lives. They would have likely carried on anyway doing their thing if the evidence was given to the CIA or not.

So I call BOGUS on that scene, would never have happened.

AND just remembered, the mind reading guy. Joel AI guy. He would not be moping around at conventions selling books. His abilities would have been in HIGH demand by the CIA, FBI other law enforcement agencies, tech companies, banking, security companies. He would be a Multi-millionaire already, not begging Homelander on rooftops to get back in to the action, ratting Butchers bunch out. His future would be secure with opulent accommodation with plenty of money to bribe/influence folks to see his daughter more often, if that was such a big concern of his.

SO that storyline was utterly BOGUS.

**Future plot predictions** AS mentioned in my ep 4 review, I knew/suspected the Compound V would be responsible for their powers to start with, not just enhance them. The Supe's having been given it from birth. I also said I suspect Miss Flashlight would eventually find out either her mother had allowed her to be given the Compound V drug a birth &/or she finds out her mother is not even her mother. Then she flips out & flips over to helping Butchers gang. I bet that all comes up later on.

**More Future plot predictions** I suspect near the end of the last episode of season 1, we get to see an intact mobile phone washed up on a beach with perhaps a short clip of someone taking a video of Homelander & WW knock off leaving the doomed plane that crashed. Sticking it in some sort of secure container. The sort of scene that I'd put in the plot. There would also have been the black box voice recordings as well. Maybe instead they get found after Fish Face gets slapped down by the Superman knock off & he goes off to find it & release it on Social Media. OR if the corporate lactating woman gets heavy with Fish Face.

**Even More Future plot predictions**.

And later on, as Butcher has an uncanny ability into getting into locked buildings, maybe on the slim chance, he himself is a Supe, it's a possibility a big twist in the storyline, his gang finds out he has abilities to walk through walls. With gormless blank face Richard Hendricks guy with an even longer blank face.

It is an offbeat slim twist in the tale possibility that the script writers 'may' have come up with that idea, maybe coming out in season 2. Possibly they had the creativity to come up with that idea. Though maybe not.

Looks like quite a bit of money has been spent on this series, having that big religious festival & all that, not a low budget project overall. So as either ep 5 or 6 had the GORE turned down, with no gore warning at all in the prescreening warnings, the producers having got the 'shock the viewers' out of their system earlier on we'll give ep 5 & 6 a meddling 5 stars. Nothing particularly special about them that I can recall from last nights viewings.

The religious episode being a bit FLAT, but the storyline is proceeding along, mostly as I suspected, though they did add in that the Corporation behind it all is setting up supervillians around the place & in other countries for their Supe teams to tackle. I suppose to get the US Defence contracts. Spiced it all up a bit. Maybe comes from the book rather from their own minds.

So some of the script is well thought out, then in places it really does let everything down when clearly such a thing would never happen. The millions to one chance of Richard Hendricks meeting Miss Flashlight on a park bench. ONLY if he was stalking her.

Overall it is an intriguing enough series to ponder through. So 5 stars for both episodes. Maybe looking towards 5 stars for the entire season 1. Just saying, with some well placed tweaks it could have been a whole lot better. Making more parts more real & probable CONTRASTING against the more fantasy parts WITHOUT so much of the SHOCK & DISGUST tactics thrown in. Overall not without merit, could have been better though.
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