Poppy Field (2020)
An Unbearable Reality
31 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this film I wanted to scream, and I even hit the wall, as I saw an almost unbearable reality. A great deal of the world is homophobic, and the hatred runs deep. Basically the story is simple. A closeted gay policeman is confronted by a baying crowd of Nationalist/Anti-Gay protesters in of all places a cinema in Bucharest that is showing a gay themed film. Corseted in his own conflicted position he is confronted by a man who knows him ( perhaps a former lover ) and he falls apart. End of spoilers. The scenario and the acting are above criticism and the direction is superb, given the confined space of most of the action. That it is set in a cinema confronts us as spectators with the very real fact that for most of its existence film itself has endorsed and colluded with homophobia, and that during its history positive imagery on screen has been condemned and forbidden. A must see film that challenges, and that the whole world should see, but in many countries will not. An unbearable reality in itself.
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