Terrified (2017)
The scariest sight of a dead kid
30 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The kid coming from his grave sitting by the table with a glass of milk in his house not moving at all was one of the creepiest things ever. The fact that his fingers was destroyed because he punched his coffin was really creepy. They hid him in the freezer in the garden and buried him again with cement on top but his mother brought him back. The hyperventilating overweight detective who's about to retire set the house on fire with the mother who hanged himself and his son whom she brought back home from his grave and became a fugitive. The opening scene when the woman was killed mid-air in the bathroom was impressive and his husband was institutionalized. Their neighbor who was haunted by an old man under his bed became one of them and sucked the psychiatrist woman into the wall. The other investigator became blind and so on. Overall the actors did a pretty good job but I'd love a twist or further detail regarding the script.
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