Review of Hades

Hades (2018 Video Game)
The apex of rogue like games
30 May 2021
For those who don't know what this genre is, it's a roguelike. A roguelike is a game where you try to beat the game in one run (you can beat this game in 30-minutes but more than likely won't do it in your first try). The catch is, every time you die you get stronger and have a better chance of beating the game. I believe most people should beat this in about 20 - 30 runs but honestly, it kind of doesn't matter. The whole point of this game is to die repeatedly and while that doesn't sound like fun, this game created a formula that I feel other roguelikes have been trying to do for years. The story is surpisingly predictable and straight-forward but the characters, dialogue, music and voice-acting (what SuperGiant is known for) is top-notch. And yes, there is a tangible story you can follow in this game unlike most roguelikes.

In terms of roguelikes I've only played Returnal and this game. I believe this game was in early access for several years and I just beat it (in 2021) so the gameplay is incredibly balanced. It hits that sweet spot of difficulty where it's really difficult but not to the point of ridiculousness (like Souls games but...this is nothing like a Souls game). And just like Monster Hunter, whatever weapon you use truly doesn't matter; anything you choose you have an equal chance of taking out every boss; but I will say that the shield is overpowered but maybe that's just me. I also beat the last boss with the rail gun in case that's helpful.

I've played every SuperGiant game (except for Pyre) so I'm aware of the general art style and gameplay. This game has more gameplay varations than any other SuperGiant game I've ever played. I can only imagine how many permuatations of combat there are between what weapon and weapon aspect, passive item buffs, gameplay modifiers (for each run), weapon upgrades, boons including all of the accumulated progress upgrades overtime. You don't "level" but you do get stronger by buying character upgrades with "darkness" currency that you can spend after each run (after you either die or "beat" the game).

What takes this game to the next level are the positive and negative modifiers for end-game (or after you "beat" the game). You can both turn on modifiers to make the game more difficult but there's an added "god mode" so you passively get stronger every time you die. It's SUPER addicting as, by nature, the game raises the stakes for everytime you either beat the game or die on each run. The only downside is that the currencies you collect when you successfully get through stages of the game (which you keep no matter what) are not that interesting. I'm grinding through the game to buy furniture for the main character's bedroom...So even though the game is fun and addicting, there isn't too much motivation to keep going other than story tidbits from in-game characters you interact with.

Overall, the gameplay, gameplay progression, music, voice-acting, dialogue and really just addictiveness is polished to perfection. Not only did SuperGiant games create a great game, but they designed one that you'll potentially never want to stop playing long after the credits roll.
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