Nomadland (2020)
Nomad life
29 May 2021
Fran, a middle-aged woman who lost everything, embarks on a journey through the American West, living as a nomad.

Nomadland is going to be, for sure, a film that I will constantly review. Chloé Zhao committed herself to this project, taking over the reins of the script, the production and the editing, and she did everything right. In an increasingly rushed and artificial world, Nomadland is a breath of fresh air, lasting 2 hours, which transports us to another reality, one that does not tell us how to survive, but about how to live.

Francis McDormand is very strong in the main role, showing an independent and resilient Fran, but also vulnerable and insecure in certain situations. The story gains a lot by focusing on the people who built it, especially the real nomads who are part of the cast, with real and emotional testimonies.

I take my hat off to Joshua James Richards (Director of Photography) for the ability to capture an United States of America so cold and empty in such a beautiful and cozy way.

"I'm not homeless, I'm just houseless".
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