Cool, atypical take on Korea
29 May 2021
Full disclaimer: I lived in Korea 2009-2013 and have some tinted view based on my time as an English teacher in both rural and urban spots.

I think this movie delivers a really important message, and in a way that lots of people can relate to. The "foreigners are evil" trope is strong in this one. But I love the direct attack on chaebols, and the women's empowerment, and the rare view of '90s Korea (down to the soju bottle, incidentally - props!!)

Thanks to everyone involved for highlighting Korea, but also highlighting some important, modern, relevant issues concurrently! I think Korea now leads the "environment is important" movement at a global level, so way to turn it around in a decade. Hopefully, from now on, chaebols keep it together, and we keep those dirty foreigners out of our business!
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