Malibu Shark Attack (2009 TV Movie)
Malibu Shark, doo doo doo, Malibu Shark doo doo doo
28 May 2021
I should probably start by saying sorry for putting that song in your brain (again). Or for making you look it up and hating me because your life was fine without it. Talking about anyones life being fine without it ... I wondered a couple of things watching this: first thought was, poor actors. They seemed all so sincere - and yes I refer to the people involved as actors. Do not fault them for ... the movie. Or lines like "I'll distract it" when it comes to sharks ... I know right? Insane would be putting it too nicely.

The other thing I was wondering: is there anyone out there who has seen all the Shark movies? The sharknados alone would drive any sane individual insane ... but they are just the tip of the sharkberg ... and while hopefully I was able to amuse you with my review, there is not much fun in this one. It is played straight (effects are ok, if you consider the budget, if you don't you probably will disagree - which is more than fair enough) and there is some vague sort of plot ... or at least character development ... Some might say though that I might have put more effort into the review than anyone has into the script ... not me, I would never dare to say such things. Also kidding aside, who would watch this than for anything else than shark attacks/deaths and mayhem? Exactly ...
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