Review of Ragnarok

Ragnarok (2020–2023)
First season was good, second season not so much
28 May 2021
Its an okay show overall, but it misses the mark many times throughout, and this I feel has a lot to do with its high-school setting, since its set in high-school, characters act like high-school kids, which are oftentimes incredibly awkward, dumb, indecisive and assholish.

Anytime, I complain about these characters, I hand wave it away and remind myself that there in high-school, so of course they're gonna act that way, but unfortunately that doesn't mix well with the magnificent tales of Norse mythology, and if anything it serves as a detriment, at least with how the writers have written it.

Another problem is its length and character development, with only 6 episodes, it feels really bad to watch characters being constantly indecisive or doing complete 180s with their personality, and it feels really unnatural when its too sudden, but if they just added more time, they could make character changes/development happen more gradually rather than out of nowhere, or they could keep it 6 episodes and just make the characters less indecisive.

Season 2 had a lot more promise than season 1, from where it left off in season 1, to the cool new characters introduced in this season, it really felt like it was going somewhere, but it hardly did, and it even had one of the most important/coolest characters brought in early on, but it ended being really disappointing, because that character was never developed to a proper extent this season, and was utterly pathetic in face of conflict/felt like a poorly thought out interpretation.

On the plus side, this show is pretty funny, looks beautiful, has a ton of potential, a lot of suspense, entertaining romantic relationships/potential relationships, decent drama, and good fight scenes.
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