Not a complete waste of time but close
27 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At age 72 I have long since stopped auditioning; parts for women excuse the pun dry up. But enough about me. I started watching this on my tablet upstairs, got bored, then went down to have some lunch and started it up again on a laptop in the kitchen. Since I have bluetooth earbuds, I am free to walk around, get a glass of water, whatever, but here's what's interesting. I discovered that this film is SO much more palatable as audio only. I mean, it could totally work as a radio show. Crazy, right? But yes, it doesn't require visuals to tell the story at all. They're actually a distraction, plus I could knit and listen, too.

Now for my main criticism: you cannot make a documentary about the subject and not include my all time favorite nudity film THE COOK, THE THIEF, HIS WIFE & HER LOVER. Helen Mirren for cryin' out loud. Brilliant use of bodies, and I won't spoil it entirely, but I will caution you that if you are a guy...well, just be prepared. Maybe they couldn't get the rights to use footage, but really, having a discussion on this subject and not use this as an example? Unforgivable.
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