Review of Scream Test

Scream Test (2020)
donno how to rate it honestly....
24 May 2021
It clearly purposely was going for a terribly filmed / acted 80's horror-comedy movie. Where its more comical than anything else.... I'm talking big tiddy camp counselors jumping around for no reason. Not actual 80's horror like Friday the 13th. So in that, they succeed... it is comical. The acting isn't nearly as bad as you'd think. The film quality is way worse than you'd think, same for the editing. Sometimes felt like I was watching one of those old school mid 90's lunch break from school shows with the slow fade out to white and then in.

The story wasn't half bad though for what it was and it played out decently. Wasn't completely predictable. Def keeping it for a "friends over bad movie night".
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